Thursday, December 16


I don't know why am I here any more. I belong there, not here.
and I commit my life here. why? cos I never had the choice. and it hurts to know the people over there are waiting for me.

every time the question why comes in my mind.
but then, that's how my life went.

this blog is turning from a blog to a complaint board.
but whatever. blogging is a lot of electricity. I can't afford to blog when I'm happy cos when I'm happy I don't feel like blogging. when I'm sad, only then I feel like blogging. lol

I badly wanna visit him. God. please just send me a rescue team or a flying carpet or smth.
I just wanna get outta here.

Saturday, November 13

I'm hooked onto P Ramlee.

Friday, November 12


I got people who ask me after a paper: can pass or not?
do you think I'd aimed to fail?

I also got people who ask what courses am I aiming for, and when I answer, they go:
whoa those courses sound difficult to get.

am I that notorious?

anyway I've been taught a way to answer the most typical question of 2010:
How was O's?

- they are over :)