for me to know for you to never find out ;D
2 weeks done *sighs*
very fast ah? like Amirah said, one day gone, another closer to O lvls :O
idk why tonight I sing many many keroncong XD
empat penari~ *wink wink*
membikin hati
menjadi senang, aduh~
hahahah oms memories.
Kasih by Hetty Koes Endang is still fav.
anyways quite a busy week it was.
I wanna clear my mastery tests quick.
did I tell.. no I didn't.
last sat I bumped into Fatima and I was holding my bio book and she proudly said "HEY I take bio too! I failed! :D" hahaha
kay I've got the O lvls creeps already.
I'm looking forward to the study camp. let's learn ballroom dancing *demo demo*
ohman I'm still stuck with the funny gambang semarang song X)
bersuka ria, gelak ketawa
semua orang kerna
hati tertarik grak-grik
si tukang gendang~
besides that, idk how the hell was I selected in the red dot museum thingy. do I even look like a business innovation kid? zuper not interested!
idk how people can get addicted to games. cos I can never do that. the only game that's stuck in my head that I miss playing so much is GTA vice city X(
or else I play a game and trust me, I get bored damn easily. HAIYER.
read my essay made out of madness.
hellobellomellowyellow.*pause*:O..itsy bitsy teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini. tet~ change change. bouncy bouncy smack smack I'm gonna give you a heart attack! hheheheehehe ehh, remember this?>> peeping through the window, what do people see? if you wanna bla3, do the proper way. meet me tonight by the moonlight, meet me tonight all alone. I got something to show youuuuuu. something that's yellow and long X). ONE BANANA TWO BANANA THREE BANANA FOUR (HEY!) FIVE BANANA SIX BANANA MANY MANY MORE. ONE BANANA TWO BANANA THREE BANANA FOUR, FIVE BANANA SIX BANANA MANY MANY MORE. MANY MANY MORE. MAAAAANNNNYYYYY MAAAANNNNNYYYYY MOREEEEEEEEEEEEE! wooh, I suddenly feel like going for an adventure camp. for the heartbrokens XD no la just kidddingg. like hello my name is vicky, I come from the phillipines. came back here in the 83. I go to the bugis there the maid agency. then they said 'I want to hire you' I said O~kay. one day the electricity man came. he said 'I want to pix electricity' I said 'cannot madam not in'. *phillipine accent* hahahaha (some text missing though)
thank you, thank you very very much~ hahah I think Lily Allen should do another clean version with thank you instead, cos the **** you, **** you very very much the censored one on the radio sounds retarded.
adioz amigoz.
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