but looking on the bright side I would say "I don't believe in luck so I gave it away"!
1st day of real school with lessons and all was not bad. CH was ... zzz. then physics was electrostatics - "mcm senang tapi mcm susah" hahah. and amath was another set of unreasnable formulas to remember. english was revision of question analysis. cep was used for physics revision (Y) and assembly was the 4th year listening to things like:
H3 - head, heart and hand thingy (which I thought was amazing when I was a sec 1) which now I think is being used over and over again and so dued.
then came the MODIFIED 7-ups. tht was totally only applicable to a school life. no more wake up and dress up. I thought tht was the best ups.
I actually prefer the old 7-ups cos they make more sense.
sometimes I wonder if the principal really understands what we're going through cos we come from different eras' education system and by that, does she wonder how her advice made me argue in my heart all the time. everything sounded so cliche. HAIIIYEH, what to do.
ever with the best lor.
anyway saturday was zuper rushing.
cca open hse went ... 0.0 mmm, cos during the break in the middle of the musical the principal just came out of nowhere and gave them the 23 slides talk (again!). it was sooooo long and the timing schedule was already haywire then once she finished, I thought it's over. skali came the dm talking about the code of conduct (again!). all these to impress the parents I guess, but in my opinion I didn't think the parents cared much :D hahhaha.
after cca open hse, had lunch with nadh at clementi's McD's and D:, no more mcvalue lunch. met Elfin, Adeline and Weiying at clementi and off to Ngee Ann Poly.
it was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I could already picture myself studying there :D
and I found the zuper perfect thang for me: Arts Business Management.
I see tht dream coming true KAHKAHKAH:
being cik som said junior.
and thank God, that was what I've been wanting to hear all my life.
I was thinking about random stuff then I realised I've been dancing for 8 solid years.
damn fast ah?
the open hse actually motivated me to aim well for my Os.
isn't that amazing.
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