Friday, May 28

the last mail.

RE: Hai ayah...‏


Nasyiba S (


28 May 2010 16: 55PM


sahari A. wahid (

Assalamualaikum ayah,

Syiba sihat. Syiba mohon maaf, sbb tak reply cepat2. apa2 pun syiba akan sentiasa doakan ayah selamat. tolong ampunkan syiba, dah banyak dosa syiba pada ayah. tapi percayalah, amarah tak sikit pun ubah kasih sayang syiba terhadap ayah. walau apa pun dah jadi, syiba tahu ayah akan selalu ada di sisi syiba. you are in me. you see what I see. I love you ayah. you are the man I love the most. I hope you remember that always. dan syiba tahu ayah pun sayang syiba. you once said, if you could, you would turn invisible and fly to me whenever you want to, just to see me. now you can, ayah. I don't know how long I'll be here. nanti suatu masa, di hari yang indah, ku hulur tanganku, lalu kau terima, kan?

don't worry about me. I'll live my life to the fullest.

I love you.

Missing you always,


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